@crafty me, consider to read the forums that cover the printer you are thinking of buying. You'll be able to see what types of problems others have had with that specific model. For ease of use, aim for a printer with automatic bed leveling, although that tends to jack up the price a bit. Our local library hosts our makerspace and they have an original Prusa i3 MK2s which has been nearly trouble free for three or more years. I'd expect that one can expect good results with the Prusa Mini, and it does have all the good features. A pop-off bed for easy model removal, automatic leveling, heated bed, easy assembly (save money and learn lots by building a kit) and a price in your budget.

For modeling, a good program to use for beginners is Tinkercad. It's web based and works on any type of computer. It's a drag and drop type of creation, with some limitations, but not very much.

You could also consider to examine the Sculpt feature of the also-free-for-hobbyists Fusion 360 program. It's a windows based, internet-joined program that is somewhat complex, but for sculpting beaks and feet, you may find it easier to create once you get over the tough parts. Both of these programs have tons of YouTube videos for learning the packages.