like i said it's much easier to use 3d printing to make a mould and and mould the bugs.

As a forward thinker and Lightworker - whatever that is :-)
You need to learn how to use cad modelling software. Thatw ay you can advance things with your own models.

not sure what you mean by 'glass printer'.
I don't think anyone is making a machine that uses actual liquid glass to print.

I have heard of a couple of experiments using filament and resin 'filled' with glass powder that is printed and then 'washed' and sintered in a very expensive kiln.
It's the washing and sintering machines that really make it not viable for most people.

An alternative is to use clay and paint your ladybirds (yep english :-)
Or even just use transparent pla or pet-g to make a glasslike model.

So it's not neccessarily the printing that is the big issue here. A cheap resin printer and glass powder resin (if you can get it - as far as I can see it's just been a small scale experiment so far and not an actual commercial venture). The big issue is the precision kiln needed to sinter the powder into solid glass.
If it's not the exact tmp the model will either not bind or just melt. So the kilns involved can run into tens of thousands of dollars.

However, if you live somewhere with a lot of sunshine, you could arguably make your own:
But precision it's not - but it could be.

Either way you are going to have to acquire a bunch of new skills to get anywhere with this project :-)

There are a number of 'ladybug' models on thingiverse. This is probably the easiest to print.

Without a picture of what you actually want - I'm just guessing :-)