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  1. #11
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    so you haven't even used the resin it casme with ?
    There's bound to be a small bottle in there somewhere.

    Also how can using a different brand resin invalidate a warranty THAT HAS ALREADY EXPIRED !

    Surely a quick internet search wil popup a bunch of compatible and cheaper resins.

    Get it out of the box and play with it :-)

  2. #12
    It didn't come with any resin.

    Not sure where the warranty comment came from? I don't remember mentioning anything about a warranty.

    I have downloaded and started using ChituBox, although you still have to run NanoDLP, unless there's a way to send to the printer straight from Chitu; the videos I've seen don't make it seem like that's the case though.

    And I think that my LCD screen might actually be not working correctly. I did the LCD test, pressed the center all white square and it lit up, just didn't seem very bright. And then I pressed the grid test and it didn't give me a grid like I've seen in some videos, it just lit up exactly the same as the all white square test.

  3. #13
    Staff Engineer
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    @SDAJosh, I think curious aardvark's comment is directed at me. Too many reasons to enumerate here why the dinosaur is still in the box.

  4. #14
    That makes more sense

  5. #15
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    lol yep sorry - forgot it was your thread, got side tracked.
    Basically a machine that's been in a box for 2 years no longer has a warranty - so play with it :-)

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