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Thread: Hello Too All!

  1. #1

    Hello Too All!

    Hi im new too the site and relatively new too 3D printing. I like how the machines work, no i do not have one but i was going to attempt to teach myself how to do 3D designs and see if anyone would take and make it. It would be a few small pieces to construct a mini quadcopter. I have a basic design i want to attempt but i wanna see if it would be worth it and in a decent price range for me. I understand these machines are costly and im not asking to get anything dirt cheap, its just a feeler. So if anyone can enlighten me on how much these things cost to print out please let me know. Thanks!

  2. #2
    Welcome to the forums. You are in the right place. You can get a 3D printer --- at least a descent one for around $500. There is a kickstarter project going on now for $299, but we don't know if it will actually pan out or not. It's the M3D ( You can also build your own printer, but that would probably be more than you are looking to get yourself into.

  3. #3
    Super Moderator RobH2's Avatar
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    I too welcome you and you are in good hands here. Yes, you can get a good printer for less than $1000 and if you buy a kit you can get printers that are comparable to ones costing much more because you provide the labor. If you are handy at all I'd say don't shy away from building one. When I was shopping for my printer I talked to a friend who had had one for a year or so and he told me to buy one already built, that it would be sooooo much easier. I have to say that I'm glad I DID NOT listen to him. I built mine from a kit and I learned so much about it. If you buy it built and something goes wrong, you have no idea where to start diagnosing at first. Because, you first have to figure out how it's all connected and put together. If you had built it, you'd know that already.

    Half the fun is the exploration and the learning. You know your skills and patience better then me so do what you think is best, but my advice is to just get one (built or kit) and start making copters for everyone. You'll never be sad you made the investment whether it's $500 or $2500. Most likely if you get into it you'll have two printers. So buy a cheap one and just start learning. Then, once you are smitten, go get that one you've been drooling over. That's my plan...

    Welcome and always reach out. There are some very talented guys and gals who frequent this forum and they are a wealth of knowledge.

    Oh, and finally. I'd be happy to talk to you about printing a few of your parts. Just PM me if you want to and we can talk more.
    Bambu P1S/AMS

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