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  1. #7
    I know I had read that post on Bunnie's blog before, and now I don't feel nearly as cleaver. Because when I first learned about this project one of the first things that came to mind was to do something like this galvo from one of his "name that ware" posts linked to in that teardown of the Form1 as a cheap and "easy" way to add feedback to the galvo mechanism Rylan has designed.

    Still think it would be neat to develop as an add-on DIY improvement designed to be done by printing the required parts with a stock peachy. Then adding an LED and two photosensors along with a microcontroller which I pretty much assume most hacks to the peachy will end up incorporating.

    Funny thing is I passed the idea up almost immediately as probably not precise enough. Guess my gut feeling on that was wrong if it's actually a method currently in use commercially. But now I'm wondering if the idea really came to me or I just subconsciously remembered that NTW post.

    You'd think after this long I'd have learned to believe in my teachers constant admonishments to trust my first guess
    Last edited by jhitesma; 10-26-2013 at 01:30 AM. Reason: Forgot to include a link

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