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  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by hiram View Post
    The end of this age is less than 1,000 years away, probably only a generation off at the most.
    Uh huh. We've been hearing that for a very long time and all predictions thus far appear to have been incorrect, given that we're still here and discussing this.

  2. #12
    So have I, and that is why I only trust what the Bible shows me and not what people say.

    Fact is that the Bible proves all of the "doomsday prophets" as incorrect to begin with.........

  3. #13
    Super Moderator Geoff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brian_Krassenstein View Post
    I wrote this article this morning pinpointing why I believe an Economically Utopian Society is very possible in the next 40-50 years or so. As the various, up and coming technologies, converge with 3D printing, we will be left with a society that is capable of printing out nearly everything they could ever need, at prices which are close to nothing. Here is the article:

    I would love to hear your opinions on this. I believe we underestimate what the future holds. I also believe in the following of trend lines. If you do this, by 2050-2060, we will have such incredible technologies at such low prices, that I really do thing the world will be a much better, safer, and economically friendly place. Of course a lot can happen by then to take us off this path...

    Human nature makes this impossible, forever.

    War, religion, politics.. You need to get those out of the way before I can even logically look at a Utopian society.

  4. #14
    If everyone was moral, then, everyone would be safe.

    Man is not moral......I already wrote what I know, my opinion is irrelevant.

    The fruits of man's engineering will end in extinction. Man is imperfect, everything he makes is also imperfect.

  5. #15
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    Imperfection does not necessarily mean extinction. Imperfection means the future will change. While change is often extinction to those who cannot adapt, humans are one of the most adaptable creatures on the earth.

    Besides that, Revelations talks pretty specifically about the end of humanity, and its description is absolutely not mankind's technology destroying him. You can't selectively take the Bible literally only where it agrees with your opinions, you know.

  6. #16
    Man will destroy himself with his own technology because he is not perfect and refuses to listen to knowledge and wisdom.

    Man is just a bag or dirt with a wicked heart.

    Then you do not understand Revelation.

  7. #17
    Super Moderator Roxy's Avatar
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    With all that said... I look forward to the day our politicians want to start a war and say "They hate us because of our freedom to print!"

  8. #18
    Our politicians get their power from the people that they govern acting immorally, all laws come by immoral actions.
    If everyone was moral, there would be no laws.

    The Founding Fathers knew this and knew that with a majority of the population judging themselves according to the Word Of God(KJV Bible) that they were moral and did not need a government with lots of laws to tell them what to do all the time.

    You see, with freedom comes responsibility, think to when you were growing up, good decision making gave you more freedom with your parents than bad decision making, Government is exactly the same way.

    A Government is able to control education, is able to create kids that are unable to make moral decisions which now government makes more laws for and is able to tax and remove freedoms away..

    The Bible is the foundation of all good decision making skills, knowledge, wisdom, and integrity......No one understands this, which is why we have so many problems in "Utopia"

  9. #19
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    Of course - and all is for the best in this best of all possible worlds...

  10. #20
    Super Moderator Geoff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Feign View Post
    Imperfection does not necessarily mean extinction. Imperfection means the future will change. While change is often extinction to those who cannot adapt, humans are one of the most adaptable creatures on the earth.

    Besides that, Revelations talks pretty specifically about the end of humanity, and its description is absolutely not mankind's technology destroying him. You can't selectively take the Bible literally only where it agrees with your opinions, you know.
    That's a shitload of 'imperfection' that needs to be cleaned up then.

    There is one major distinction between our extinction and the extinction of animals on this planet. If we become extinct, it will most likely be our own doing.

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