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  1. #1

    Looking for recommendations for a 3d printer

    Hello forums

    I am an educator at a natural history museum. I am looking to get started into 3d printing to explore the potential of this technology in a museum setting. Ive been looking into this tech for a while and its now finally dropped within my range of price.
    Im looking for an inexpensive printer around 300 dollars that I could just try and see if I want to invest into a bigger one later. I consider myself a pretty handy person but I've never seen a 3d printer kit so i have no idea how hard they are to assemble.

    Ive been looking a lot into the REALITY ENDER 3 as it has great reputation in the community and the print quality looks really good. The big print surface is definitely a plus for me. Im having some difficulty finding the best place to order one as I live in Canada and amazon seems to be the best place to get it. I would probably get the model with the pro model with the magnetic base.

    My other choice is the MONOPRICE MINI V3 because it seems to be very reliable "out of the box" assembly and durability. it does have a significantly smaller print base though and that means many of my pieces would have to be printed in pieces.

    What are the commutes thoughts on what i should get for the 200 - 300 dollar range? is the Ender3 overrated? Are "scams" or "defects common in kits?

  2. #2
    I would not waste my time with and Ender 3 if it was given to me. Just look around this forum, total junk
    Prusa just entered the low end market with a quality machine, from a quality manufacture, with actual customer support. There is no longer a need to buy junk from china

  3. #3
    unfortuanetely, the prusa is a bit out of my reach right now money wise. would you recommend the


  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Paleo View Post
    unfortuanetely, the prusa is a bit out of my reach right now money wise. would you recommend the

    I would recommend you wait until you can afford the best machine for the money. Someone else may be able to comment on those other machines.

  5. #5
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    Jul 2014
    Ive been looking a lot into the REALITY ENDER 3
    Biggest pile of crap on the planet.

    The prusa mini would be the best place to start. Find that extra $100 :-)

    Failing that the sovol 01 is a much much nicer machine than the ender for similiar price range. Also very helpful folk with great facebook group.
    They never sent me the free one they said they would - but hey, it's still a decent machine :-)

    But I would strongly recommend the prusa mini - for the money it's just an incredible buy.
    And pretty much the most plug and play on the market :-)
    Last edited by curious aardvark; 11-18-2019 at 02:10 PM.

  6. #6
    I looked into the Prusa but to get one shipped to Canada and converting the cost, it comes out to about 600$ including customs. unfortunately I cant go that high on my current budget. Any thoughts about the Monoprice mini?, it seems to have a better reputation in the community and it migh tbe just what I need as a beginner setup to "get my feet wet"I will look into shipping for the Sovol 01
    Last edited by Paleo; 11-18-2019 at 03:15 PM.

  7. #7
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    Aug 2015
    What types of objects you intend to print? That will determine if an SLA or FDM printer is the right choice.

  8. #8
    I hope to plan stuff like this:

    Hey Curious aardvark, were you happy with the quality of your monoprice?
    Last edited by Paleo; 11-18-2019 at 11:42 PM.

  9. #9

    I cant advise much of other printers, but i can share my first experience.
    I had around 200euro for bugdet (abit flexible for the right machine). But as i was completely new to 3dprinting, i wanted a cheap first printer that i knew would atleast print something when i turned it on.

    I searched for a long time, and finally found a used printer in the local area (about 35km away) that i know worked (as the owner had used it for around 400h in total) plus i would also get a demonstration of the machine, as well as a basic lesson on the machine and printing in general.

    The machine i found was a Tevo Nereus that was sent to a youtuber for review (is was a pre-production model) but the difference was it was only missing the filament sensor compared to the, at the time, 450euro new machine.

    Now i got a demonstrated, used machine plus a lesson on the tech.
    All for 200e.

    Now many month later, i have used it for another 4-500 hours and the bearings needs a change as well a full service.
    I also got a standard 4mm window glassbed to put on top as the buildplate was just a tad skewed.

    Now i got myself another printer, deltaprinter FLSUN QQ-S with the 32bit board and new autolevel probe. It cost me aroun 290euro in total.

    Just thought i'd share my "getting first printer" story. Perhaps it could help.

  10. #10
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    Jul 2014
    Oh yeah forgot about the deltas.
    dunno why mine is what I use 90% of the time. she's had 5km of filament through her :-)

    Yeah that flsun looks like a good machine. The autolevel is fairly important on a delta. I mean for new people lol.
    Mine doesn't have it -= but them I level it maybe once a year, so who cares :-)
    Because the bed on a delta never moves - as long as you've got the springs screwed down really tight and a decent print surface - they just never lose calibration.
    bit pricier at $369
    But I LOVE deltas. much fastness :-)

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