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  1. #151
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    Quote Originally Posted by curious aardvark View Post
    The machine is starting to look impressive !What's it going to be called ?
    Quote Originally Posted by curious aardvark View Post
    Actually I'm surprised you haven't gone down the idex route yet. would seem the natural next step up in the evolution of the Brazillian Huntsman (worlds most venomous spider, and one of the most aggresive). Or 'Brian' as I can't help thinking of it ;-)
    Thank You CA for your creativity in suggesting a name for my printer. I have been struggling with this and maybe 'Wandering Spider' shall be the new name of my Black Widow after this round of extreme reworking.
    Last edited by AutoWiz; 11-07-2019 at 10:12 PM.

  2. #152
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    or Brian ;-)

    The thing with idex is not that you can use 2 materials, but more that you can use 2 completely different meterials with different print speeds and temperatures.
    So you could have one head hooked up to tpu, nylon, polycarbonate, soluble material etc and the other to a squillion different colours of pla.

    With a one nozzle multi material machine you'll always either be waiting for the nozzle to heat up or cool down. Just inefficient.

    And yeah fascinated to see just what kind of speeds you can get from Brian :-)

  3. #153
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    The time for temp change can be helped. There is a dwell setting or I think marlin calls it residency where you tell marlin how long you need to see that extruder holding a temp before it is ready to print. We can also adjust how lax this temp setting is. Whether you want the extruder to hold 235c for 10sec within 2 degrees of target might take a lot longer to achieve than 2 seconds within 5 degrees of target before resuming the print. And turning on the layer fan can help bring down extruder temps a little quicker. So I would just need a way to command the layer fan on at 100% while waiting for temp to decrease. Or maybe I will setup another fan just for that. I have to get to a starting point first, but I look forward to bumping into obstacles. Otherwise this would all get real boring real quick.

  4. #154
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    OK Let's talk electronics. The Black Widow came with this Control box and all these wires with connections and it was just a mess. One goal of this rework is to do away with the control box and mount all the electronics directly to the frame. I already have the power supply mounted and I chose the space between it's support and a frame rail to mount the Mosfet..

  5. #155
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    On the other side of the rear half of the frame is where I am mounting the SKR 1.3 mainboard and the 2 stepper driver expansion boards..

  6. #156
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    So, given all the other expense - why go with a dirt cheap controller board ?
    I mean I've no idea what the top end boards do for you, but I would think it's kinda like spending 3 weeks pimping a car and then fitting it with lawnmower engine.

    Also on the 'pick an arachnid' front - the australian Huntsman spider, while not venomous is frigging huge !

    The thing is eating mice in his house and he says: 'that is so cool'.
    I'd be going for the shotgun !

    Okay this video is not for anyone who's nervous of spiders - you were warned !

  7. #157
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    So as i understand it all of these control boards are pretty much the same. With the difference being whether it has an 8 bit or a 32 bit controller. Past that there are features on the board that we all like. like integrated or changeable steppers or 5 or 6 stepper driver sockets. But in reality with expansion boards this is totally a non issue. And even with the best board i would still need an expansion board, sooooo. Why not save money on the same part? All 8 bit boards are the same and as I move to 32 bit I seriously doubt I will see any difference with a duet or a skr pro. If there are other differences or advantages that I am not aware of I would be interested in learning about them.

  8. #158
    I am sure you have already seen this but this could be helpful

  9. #159
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    No I had not seen that video. Thank you for sharing. If you guys would believe there are 8 bit boards that are selling for over $100 today. Boards like the Panucatt Azteeg X3 Pro. I am using extra stepper drivers but I will never use most of the features that set that duet 2 and 3 at their price point. Tool changers are for corexy and do not translate so well to reprap. But if there is one thing we can all be absolutely sure of it is that this will NOT be the last configuration of this printer. And if I am anything less than utterly impressed with the SKR 1.3 I will change it. But I choose my parts by specs. And the ~$20 SKR 1.3 has very similar specs to all the more expensive controllers. I think we all just need to be able to better understand what specs are and how they should apply to our selections. Ya know? The best specs isn't always the best specs. Sometimes the best specs are what is right for what you are doing. Even thou there are better specs out there if you will never take advantage of them then you have built a mismatched printer. And that is just not what I am all about. For me and all that I do and build Form Follows Function. I strictly adhere to this golden rule of building and I think my results have shown as much. The $1000 rails started as cheap ebay rails. They met the specs but when I got them they were trash. I never ran them and tried some others and then went with the genuine HIWINS. Hopefully the control solution wont go the same way, but I am not against 3,4 or even $500 spent on a control solution if that is what it takes. I am already somewhere between $2 and $3k into this machine since and including it's purchase at the start of 2017. I have no problems putting money into it. But it needs to be the right part. Not just the most expensive or the part with the most features that do not apply to what I am building. With that said, you guys are scaring me. The SKR 1.3 is a 32 bit board for $22 in a sea of other like boards for over $100. Well this STARTED as a rework on a budget, anyways.
    Last edited by AutoWiz; 11-09-2019 at 12:18 PM.

  10. #160
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    Have you guys seen the MMU2.0 auto deplete function?

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