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  1. #1

    Question looking for a CAD software for 3d printing suggestion

    hello members,
    I googled it and tons of results came in, I am totally new but I wont mind buying a CAD software for 3d printing. Can you suggest some? i have not purchased a printer yet and I would like to 3d print miniature version of people. so i guess details matter quite a bit here. Can you please suggest me a good software and a good printer for my task above.

  2. #2
    Staff Engineer
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    If your objective is to create models of human form (or alien form, for that matter), look for a program which involves managing organic shapes. Many 3D programs are well suited for engineering type models and some are free.

    Consider, for example, Meshmixer by Autodesk. It is free, allows one to create organic models from primitives (spheres, cylinders, cubes, etc) with distortion tools and other reasonably powerful editing tools.

    Blender is frequently used for organic modeling. It is also free, but many Blender models are unsuited for 3D printing, as they do not adhere to the standards necessary for STL files. Experienced Blender users are able to implement proper creation and post-processing within Blender, but inexperienced users create models that fail to print in various ways.

    Another free program is Sculptris. I have zero experience with it, although I know of one maker who has been able to create amazing pieces of art.

    On the paid side of programs, Rhinoceros V6 or Zbrush supports organic modeling.

    If your intention is to create from a blank canvas, all of the above programs will assist you. If you plan to scan humans for models, you'll have to have another type of program, one that integrates the point cloud into a mesh. Those are also quite complex and also something for which I have zero (minimal, really) experience.

    Good luck with your journey.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2019
    New York,NY
    I got the same problem as you, are there anyone can help me?

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