If it is for a hobby and you want to learn to work with the machine then you would do better to start with a cheap low end printer. Up front you will get the experience of assembly and becomming familiar with all the parts that make up your new robot. And then as you identify quality issues and chase down and apply upgrades you will gain an intimate knowledge of your machine. Likewise if you spend a higher dollar amount on a printer that needs no upgrade or is not going to take upgrades then upon any problems you will find your way here or somewhere for help because you dont understand past the robot isnt doing what it is supposed to. Wierd how we all use our money to escape experience and buy our way out of learning, isn't it? From where i stand the open source product that is completely unassembled should be the more expensive product. Because it trains you on the basics before you start using the machine. Such a brilliant design. Fact is if you dont have the patience to assemble a machine you likely will not have the patience for 3d printing.