Many moons ago, the local library was saddled with a Cube3 printer. It started well but deteriorated rather quickly, especially after the manufacturer pulled all support. I was asked to recommend a printer for the library to purchase.

I suggested a Genuine Prusa assembly kit. The logic was to save money by buying the kit, but also allowing the makerspace to enjoy the process of building it, appropriate for the circumstances.

The Prusa has been nearly flawless these past two years. Minimal instruction to the library staff has resulted in hundreds of printed models based on patron selection. The learning experience was relatively painless. We did have a problem with the PEI bed wearing out at the center, as it was not considered at the time to randomly locate the print to different locations. The replacement was easy, but time consuming and now all printing is done in various locations to reduce the problem.

The new model from Prusa uses a different surface and is unlikely to have wear issues. The newer model is also much easier to assemble with accuracy.

This library Prusa has been used to print PLA, ABS and PETG. The printer has an E3Dv6 hot end which is capable of many types of filament, possibly nylon as well.

I think you would not regret purchasing a genuine Prusa kit. As an RC builder, you will find no difficulty in assembly. The support from Prusa is also quite excellent.