Quote Originally Posted by Konungr View Post
The Ender 3 pro has a very good print quality (reportedly) out of the box for 220.00 (apparently closer to a 500.00 printer). With a few 8.00-15.00 upgrades it prints like it's a 1000.00 printer (again, from everything I have read about it. I don't have enough experience to say any of this for sure.). All the reviews and such I have been reading along with video reviews and guides and all that say it's one of the best printers out there for the cost for a starter printer. The customization options and upgrades are even considered a feature by some because it gets new people familiar with the functions and components easily along with a rail system for the entire frame that makes printed components and upgrades easy to make and install.

Basically cost/effort is well worth the quality you get out of it.

I have not given the manufacturer much time to respond yet. I was just pursuing other avenues of information while I waited.

As for a resin printer, the material is more expensive, requires better/more ventilation considerations, and PPE/stations for post processing the resin. Basically a "traditional" filament printer is no where near the hassle.

Any feedback for the questions I have? Even just the Tempered Glass print bed. Is it true that you don't need tape/hairspray/glue on a glass print bed?
My printer came with a Borosilicate glass plate laminated with polymide tape. Plain glass can work with PLA but I prefer the tape to the plan glass, I know my print will stick be it ABS PLA PETG Nylon etc.