Quote Originally Posted by curious aardvark View Post
yes :-)

The initial calibration with the knobs is to try and get the bed as level as possible. It's the single most important aspect to getting good prints.

The z gap from the slicer, is to adjust how much downward 'smoosh' you give the filament. THis varies depending on how 'sticky' your actual print surface is.

Try adjusting in 0.05 mm steps.
And also recalibrate the bed.

I find that replacing the normal bed levelling nuts with locking nuts, helps. That way, once it's physically level - it should stay level. Vibration will cause normal nuts to move over time.
Thanks again. I found that I had to download a plugin for Cura in order to change the Z offset. Did a quick and dirty yesterday and it seems to have worked. Much easier that way. Will do a proper bed leveling in the coming days and also get some locking nuts to hold it tight.

Next on my list is to get rid of the initial layer "blob". The nozzle leaves a small blob of filament when it puts down it's first layer. And it subsequently hits that blob when it comes around to the same spot. You have any handy tips for that?