Quote Originally Posted by JMK View Post
Does anyone else feel that MakerBot CEO Bree Pettis really has a chance to be the Steve Jobs of 3D printing? I just think that he has the personality and love for 3D printing that could make him a special guy in the 3D printing age. I certainly think that the MakerBot printers are the "cool" printers to own, like another forum poster said in another thread.

MakerBot is starting to become the "goto" printer for people that are just starting out in the field, and want something that they know will be simple to operate and have great tech support. I think in 5 years we will see special things and plenty of innovation from Pettis and MakerBot.

It almost feels like this is a post from Bre in disguise....

Bre is so far from Steve Jobs it's not funny.

Steve Jobs INVENTED things.. We have things now, if not for Steve jobs simply would not exist. Here, Bre took a pre-existing design (that was nearly older than he is) and improved it - and now seems to already be falling behind in quality. He also possesses very little ability to sell his product when questioned in a critical manner. Every interview where the reporter is on the positive side, he does fine - but he absolutely sucks at arguing the importance of them, instead always falling back on his company slogans and predictable marketing ploys to turn the conversation around.

If he wasn't so unbearable, I probably would have bought a makerbot