Well so far I am very happy with the build surface. The blue tape left a ruff surface on the bottom of my prints with a line at the seems where the strips of tape meet. Now all my prints look like they came off a glass plate. So far I have no nicks or chips or any imperfections in the build surfaces to speak of. But I also haven't used them much yet and still only with the PLA. So more time is needed for a better assessment but so far so good.

As for my air force I have not flown a single one. As I was strapping in the electronics and making my way through the programming and setting up the flight controllers I had a handful of people come forward and convince me this was a really bad idea. That I need to learn to fly small light RC aircraft and spend time with them before I just try to fly something big and heavy. And not because of what I can or can not do but because without experience there is good chance that I might hurt myself or worse someone else and that I need to be able to control something big and heavy that travels through the air fast. My friends scared me. But I still have them. Collecting dust. With 4s lipo batteries, game controller style controllers, flight stabilizers/controllers that are programmable, all the bells and whistles to have some fun. I guess I just lost my balls along the way. Right at the end.