Quote Originally Posted by crashintoty View Post
I just bought a Tevo Tornado (last 2018 version, glass bed, gold accents) and on my first attempt at printing nothing stuck to the bed (it just came out like a blob). I tried again and put glue on the bed this time (a trick I heard about on YouTube) and while the print successfully stayed on the bed it was extremely difficult to remove the print when printing was done. Using the scraper doesn't yield anything until I heat up the bed and while it does loosen the print and I'm eventually able to remove it, I mangle the edges and/or warp parts of the print. Any suggestions on better ways remove prints that are stuck to the glass bed (I've got a big batch printing now and I fear they're also going to be hard to remove)? Any suggestions on how to get prints to stick to the glass bed during printing, but prevent them from being hard to remove after printing?
Try some build tack... search on-line for 3d printer build tack.