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  1. #1

    New Mark Forged Metal X and X7 for sale.

    We have a new Mark Forged Metal X and X7 for sale that is listed on eBay. This system did not work out for us unfortunately. To find the listing, search "Mark Forged" on eBay. If you are interested in this bundle, you can save several thousand dollars. The unit was just installed this January.
    Thank you.

  2. #2
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    wow - well I admire your honesty, and after reading your listing - I'd be surprised if anyone bids.
    NOW THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT. After we received the oven, we found out from the manufacturer, that once the furnace has been started for the first time and baked out, it can not be moved. It seems the company selected an insulation for the furnace that will fall off if the unit is moved after it has been used once. Mark Forged will repair the unit however after it has been moved for $10,000.00 plus expenses.
    Just one of the issues with the system.

    I've spoken extensively to both mark forge and desktop metal at the tct shows and I can state that I've learned far more relevant information from your ebay listing than I ever got from the companies themselves.

    I had no idea there were so many 'hidden' costs.
    And the furnace insulation issue - that's damn right criminal !

    I hope you do sell them, but I can't imagine who would buy them after reading about the problems you've had.

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