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Thread: Ender 3 misery

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  1. #2
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    Jul 2014
    sounds like the printhead is actually too close to the bed.
    Unfortunately the ender 3 does seem to have an awful lot of issues, nobody comes here and says: 'I have an ender 3 and it works.'

    ALso cura is a real pita to sort the simple things out.

    None of that helps you.

    On the bed levelling I use 90gsm paper and level to the point that the paper slides easily under the nozzle but still has friction with it.
    What you don't want is the 'Bump'.
    The bump means that the paper/card is forcing the head off the bed, so the head will be way too close.

    A glass plate needs something on it for the plastic to stick to.
    Blue painters tape works well, as does pva gluestick.

    If I were you I'd go with cheap gluesticks from the pound/buck store.
    Heat the bed to about 60c.
    And then rub a layer of gluestick evenly all over it. let it dry for a few minutes - fairly easy to see when it's dry - and repeat a couple of times.
    Level AFTER applying the glue.

    Have printbed at 65c, hotend 200.

    speed about 60mms.
    Oh yes and have a look at your keyboard - see the button labelled return/enter/'picture of an up arrow'.
    Use it occasionally to break up your text.
    Just makes it easier to read :-)

    Also when you level the bed make sure the print nozzle is heated - remove filament first.
    So remove filament, heat nozzle to 200c and THEN level the bed.
    You don't need to heat the bed, it won't hurt if you do - but it's not strictly necessary.

    reason being the brass expands more than the aluminium bed. also it's heated higher which makes it expand more.

    3d printing is as much an art as a science. Don't expect things to work straightaway, you need to figure out the particular quirks of your machine and then work out how to work with them.

    I don't think I got a decent print for the first 2 weeks of owning my first printer.

    The best thing I ever did was install sheets of printbite on 2 of my machines.
    Takes all the hassle out of the: 'will it stick, won't it' - debate.
    Yes it will stick and when the bed has cooled it'll come off without any hassle.

    There are a lot of different surfaces you can install on your printer (glass is there purely to get a flat bed) I've tried most of them.
    printbite is my favourite.
    glue wise - dimafix is the best I've used.
    PVA is the cheapest and a really good one to start with as it's effective and dirt cheap :-)
    Last edited by curious aardvark; 02-08-2019 at 02:45 PM.

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