I recently got mine as well. from what I can see, it looks like you need to raise your bed height. Your printer head is too far from the surface. I think the manufacturer suggests that you take a sheet of paper, fold it in half and put it under the tip. raise the bed until there is friction when you try to move the paper out from between the two of them. Do this on all four corners and you should be good! You can keep on raising it until you get nice, clean prints. Just so you know, if you go too close it can cause printer head jams (no big deal, just a hassle). If you still have problems with adhesion you can print onto a surface like painter tape or a single layer of glue stick spread onto the pad. Also, upgrading to a glass bed is a common thing to do to get better prints. I'm using one from the manufacturer, but you can go to a hardware store and have them cut you one in the right size as well.

Good luck!