Wanted to test how MK2Dollo handles a tall print and started, admittedly bit optimistically a 24h 23cm tall Nefertiti print. Progress after 13 hours of printing:

2019-01-19 12.28.49.jpg

You'll probably notice a quite prominent ringing artifact on the left cheek that I think might be caused extempore filament routing from the spool:
2019-01-19 12.29.08-1.jpg

It's chafing against the plastic and probably causes enough friction to affect the print quality. The point where the artifacts are, is just the point when the head yanks more filament from the roll when printing the perimeter. Need to figure something better for that...

Other than that, the print is going along fine. 0.3mm nozzle, 0.17mm layers, 3 perimeters, gyroid infill 5%, Slic3r PE.