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  1. #1

    I Need help choosing between Tevo Tornado and the TronXY X5SA

    I need help choosing between Tevo Tornado and the TronXY X5SA. Both are the same price. I do get that the Tronxy needs more heat, and some upgraded printed parts...pulleys, straps, but I do like the design better. But, obviously, the print quality is important.

    Thanks for your opions.

  2. #2
    I like the fact that I can enclose the X5SA in plxi glass.

  3. #3
    I read that the torando prints salmon skin

  4. #4
    Good 3 posts, now I can link. Here is X5SA upgades
    Last edited by curious aardvark; 12-11-2018 at 10:25 AM.

  5. #5
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    Jul 2014
    well the tronxy should be better quality - though there are so many things that's dependant on - you can't really say. the so called 'salmon skin' is neither here nor there. doesn't usually effect prints and looks fine to me. It's just something else for whingers to whinge about.
    Dual z screws, the filament holder needs to be moved to the top of the frame. Looks easy to level the bed.

    I'd probably go for the tronxy - as long as it had a heated bed. That's crucial.

  6. #6
    Thx,Thx X5SA does auto leveling, filament run out warning and a larger print area. But the software looks like it may be crap.

  7. #7
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    Jul 2014
    filament run out is something that's never happened to me in over 6 years 3d printing. Even with two achines where you can't see the filament.
    Check you have enough before you start. It;s as simple as that.
    Auto levelling - if easy, is good.
    But you still have to physically level the bed as well.
    Can't see any reference to software. Presumably that's the slicer - which you can try different ones till you find one you like.
    I can't stand cura - personally. But lots of people make it work :-)

    330x330x400 - helluva good print volume too.

  8. #8
    Thx again man

  9. #9
    I noteiced the layer thickness of the X5SA is .1mm and the Tornado has .05mm, is that a deal breaker?

  10. #10
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    Jul 2014
    not even relevant.
    it's unlikely you will ever print at 0.05mm on an fdm machine.
    Plus they're pretty much guessing anyway :-)

    Most printers are 'technically' capable of 0.05 layers. They are all using the same motors. Stepper drivers make a difference, but the hardware is usually - technically - capable.
    0.1 is doable, and as low as you're ever likely to want to go :-)

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