Fan Settings can be set in your Slicer, I have the same issue if I adjust the fan speed too high it ends up giving a thermal error.
Normally set the Fan speed between 100 - 160. This in itself can be a chore as the fan will starts spinning at 100 after it is spinning it is then possible to slow it down to 60.

If you need to know how to change the fan speed post what slicer you are using,

Setting the fan speed can be changed from layer to layer by using the Menu Item in Cura 15.04 6.
Click on Advanced tab
Under the Cool menu Item Click on the "..." this is the Ellipsis button.
You can then change the fans speed at any layer.

Other slicers will have of course Fan speed at different locations.

I know this will bit me because I still use Cura 15.04.6 though it is the simplest to operate for beginners.
And I do use other Slicers, just have not completely left the tried and true blue Slicer Cura 15.04.6 for simple quick printed items.