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  1. #1

    Tevo FLASH Newbie

    Hey guys..

    Just got a Tevo Flash and I am hating life at the moment.. Can't get it to finish the test print off the SD due to Thermal Runaway.. and can't get it to connect to a PC or mac via USB..

    What am i doing wrong?

    I feel like the thermal runaway is due to the Ect fan being 100% as the prints fail at exactly the same place every-time.. but i don't know how to change any settings...

    I don't know how to update firmware and I can't find any answers on the web or from Tevo... so i'm really annoyed..

    any help would be so appreciated


  2. #2
    Staff Engineer Roberts_Clif's Avatar
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    Fan Settings can be set in your Slicer, I have the same issue if I adjust the fan speed too high it ends up giving a thermal error.
    Normally set the Fan speed between 100 - 160. This in itself can be a chore as the fan will starts spinning at 100 after it is spinning it is then possible to slow it down to 60.

    If you need to know how to change the fan speed post what slicer you are using,

    Setting the fan speed can be changed from layer to layer by using the Menu Item in Cura 15.04 6.
    Click on Advanced tab
    Under the Cool menu Item Click on the "..." this is the Ellipsis button.
    You can then change the fans speed at any layer.

    Other slicers will have of course Fan speed at different locations.

    I know this will bit me because I still use Cura 15.04.6 though it is the simplest to operate for beginners.
    And I do use other Slicers, just have not completely left the tried and true blue Slicer Cura 15.04.6 for simple quick printed items.

  3. #3
    Just reread what I posted last night and it is not really helpful so I deleted it.I realize everyone wants as much as they can get for as little as they can pay, myself included. However when buying tools, it can be problematic, especially complicated tools like FFF machines.. Even when buying a higher end machine from a company with quality customer service you still have a huge learning curve with the slicer software.. Good luck and keep at it you will figure it out, it takes time and is not easy.
    Last edited by airscapes; 10-07-2018 at 06:57 AM.

  4. #4
    Staff Engineer Roberts_Clif's Avatar
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    Assembling, calibrating and posting for help on the forum's was the best learning process I could can have experienced.

    The Forums were very help full in my getting the 3D Printers I purchased working correctly. Even though the first print I made was extremely good.
    This is a time consuming process and wears every one down. The solution can come quickly or it could takes weeks or longer to work it way to the surface. Depending on how quickly the posts progress.

  5. #5
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    Jul 2014
    how is it failing ?
    Nozzle blocking, extrusion stopping, print detaching from print bed etc

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