Extruder modding finished.
Moved the heatblock up, drilled out the bottom of the extruder and inserted short length of ptfe tube between the two.
Works a treat now :-)

Here's what the 3dprint workbench currently looks like. An I3, makerbot pro clone and a cheap delta. Think that covers about 99% Of the common fdm printer types.

I had to tidy the desk and fridge up - the flashforge is currenty on a shelf awaiting serious troubleshooting. Dunno what's gone wrong it just won't print - extrudes when loading filament just not when printing.
So I moved the knp off the fridge and put it next to the computer (mini-itx in a small wooden box behind the monitor) which left the fridge for the ctc.

Weird the pics of the final extruder mod have vanished.
Oh well - right onto the filament holder.