Well the original Dollo design and extrusions are by @benengel94, I've just gotten into this hobby of trying to make good enough 3D printed 3D printer . The z-screw idea has been forming in my mind slowly and still mutating to perhaps something actually useful. Well see. Current version works but might wear out quite fast.

For the first Dollo, I'd say ~2 rolls of PLA + some odd bits of PETG, ABS, Filaflex and small amount of Nylon for the part cooling fan thingy. So depending how cheap you can get the filament, something like 40 euros.
Bit less for the new build since it's not finished yet, doesn't have those frame stabilizer parts which I need to redesign somewhat.

For the electronics (had a quick look at Aliexpress):
- RAMPS + display ~25 eur
- 6 motors ~35eur
- 12V PSU ~20 eur
- some ?3Dv6 clone hotend ~10 eur
- PTFE tube ~60cm few euros
- endstop switches, extruder gear, few M3 screws and grub screws, M3 nuts, wire... ~10 eur?

So something like 100 eur. With the filament, not the cheapest printer out there, but I'd say much more fun .
Personally I have bad experience with clone E3D hotends so I would opt for genuine part.
Of course the design doesn't demand RAMPS or need a display. That's just what I've been using and configure Marlin for. I'm planning to install Megatronics 3.1 to the 1st Dollo, bought a DuetWifi for one of my other printers and Megatronics is without printer now. It has option for 3 extruder motors, so my plasn for IDEX setup on Dollo should work with that board (probably).

For the discarded Dollo parts, I think something like 15 rolls, mostly PLA. That's prototyping... I still have most of the old parts, maybe someday I can recycle them somehow.

Also, PrusaDolloMK2 build is progressing, bottom of the frame is mostly assembled. Printing some bow ties so I can get the Z frame parts assembled. Modified the X parts so that they accept the brass tr nut and added possibility for belt tension adjustment, need to print these.

Box of parts waiting for assembly: