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  1. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by osterac View Post
    Just trying to focus on OP's question. If someone posts a new question the thread could get detailed and OP's question might never get answered. In "regular forums" it's called thread hijacking.
    Yes that makes you the thread hijacker, you are trying to police this thread, your content has nothing at all to do with "Issues with new Ender 3" my question was about guess what? an Issues with new Ender 3 Butt out if you don't have an answer, Mr thread officer.

  2. #12
    I provided an answer for OP. read OP, help OP (original post/poster). The thread is about his/her Ender 3, not yours.

  3. #13
    already successful?

  4. #14
    So... before everything got out of control... this thread was about the same issue I am facing right now.

    Does anyone have any clue about how to solve the problem?

  5. #15
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    well ostirac was being somewhat pedantic and todd threw an unnecessary wobbly.

    Are we children ? No.
    try and keep it civil.

    cura and ender4's really don't seem to be a good match.
    I'd suggest trying repetier and slic3r and see if you have better luck.

    No idea why people keep buying these bloody printers either - judging by this forum, they are nothing but trouble.

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