If they're for gaming (Warhammer 40k, I'm guessing) they're going to 28mm scale miniatures (hereinafter "minis" or "figs"). And seriously, if you want that sort of detail save your coin and get a resin printer. As stated, if you make a mess you won't enjoy cleaning it up.

The Monoprice Ardvark listed is $500 USD. I'd also look at the Anycubic Photon for $520 USD. Bulk FEP is available, so you don't have to pay Anycubic's rather high price. Resin is around $50/500g, and the Photon will take any brand of resin.

Post processing for resin prints is to remove any uncured resin in an alcohol bath, then cure under UV light, or in bright sunlight. Very important to wear examination gloves while handling the uncured resin minis or refilling the resin tank. Also important is to build an enclosure for your resin printer to contain the fumes.

My advice is to get an FDM printer for war/tabletop gaming terrain and accessories, and get a resin printer for minis.

You can build a $30 USD laser scanner. Plans are here.