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  1. #6
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    Jul 2014
    the only filament that offers any difficulty is nylon.

    And the only nylon filament that doesn't offer any difficulties is MyMat nylon from spain. Amazing stuff, no warp, doesn't need heated bed or enclosed print volume, just works. Price has come right down in the last year or so too.

    ABS - not really much point using this on fdm machines unless you have noth an actively Heated and Enclosed print volume. And you won't get a thermostatically controlled heated print volume on a $1500 machine.

    So while an enclosed print volume is a good idea - don't let that be the deal breaker.
    And bear in mind that Enclosed and Heated - are quite different.

    The sindoh looks interesting, but also looks like it uses proprietary filament - which is ALWAYS expensive.

    Suggesting specific printers is getting harder each week.
    More and more new machines are coming on the market. I try and limit my recommndations to machines I've either seen in person or are similiar enough to my own machines that I know what they'll be like.
    The TCT show is brilliant for seeing machines - but is only once a year.

    For $1500 I'd lean towards a kit. The higher end kits tend to come partly assembled so it's often a case of simply bolting a few modules together.
    If I had your budget I'd be looking either at saving up till I could afford a bnc3d sigma, or looking at the tevo little monster:

    well within your budget, and you could enclose the print volume very easily, should you still want to.
    It fits all the other criteria.
    The other machine I'd be looking at is the formbot - t-rex. Forget enclosed build volumes - what you REALLY want are dual independant extruders :-)

    Very large print volume, very slightly over budget - but some seriously great features.
    Haven't seen one in the flesh, as it were, but for me the whole IDEX extruder setup is the current holy grail of fdm printing. No doubt something even more innovative will come along soon - but at the moment IDEX is the dogs bollocks !

    You're not going to enclose a large i3 style printer - but, again pick the right filament material and you'll never need to.
    Last edited by curious aardvark; 01-13-2018 at 11:33 AM.

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