Oxman: Robotic printing. Repurposing a 6 axis robotic arm to perform as a 3D printer. Can put a censor on that arm to get a gradient heat map of an object, allowing for both analysis and manufacturing in one machine.

Silk Pavilion: 3 Limiting factors of 3D Printing: Software, size, material

Silk worms spin cocoons larger than there body, so why can't we print an object larger than the build volume of a printer? Oxman looked towards the silk worm to transcend these 3 limitations. Silk cocoon is made of one material, but allows for several functions, via multi-property variations.

Silk worms are in a way a multi-material 3D printer. Took a silk worm and a tiny earth magnet glued to head of the worm, right by where the silk is spun from. Allowed them to motion track the movement of the worm through space. Took data from this information and gave the robotic arm the data to try and scale up the printing of the silk worm. Failed, since they used ABS plastic instead of silk.

Used 6500 silk worms to build a pavilion out of silk. The created the structure and placed the worms silk on it to begin building. (Pictures in subsequent posts)......