Quote Originally Posted by curious aardvark View Post
Hmm, keyboard needs cleaning :-)

Fine detail wise, go find the iris box pictures., few pages back i think.
Also the acorn brooch.

Nearly up to 1.5km of filament used on Alexa !
Which is around 5kg, I think.
Not bad for just over 4 months and primarily small items.
I saw the iris and broaches. They look great. And that was a .5 mm nozzle? nice.

5 kg of filament is a lot for 4 months. On my first printer, I think I did a kg a month for the first 34 months.
This one, not so much yet.

Spent the last several days trying to get the bed level. Could get the 3 points no problem, but it was far from smooth and level. the center dipped and the area between x and z was high. I now have 6 points around the perimeter level but the center is still down 0.1mm. Have to live with it for now. Had to get rid of the glass, as that was causing some issues.
Probably need the print bite.
Also will have to (want to ) compile in the distortion correction feature in repetier.