Quote Originally Posted by raylo32 View Post
Qidi to the rescue... My Qidi XOne came with a little tool kit that included 2 spare fuses with exact same spec. Popped on in to the KnP and viola, back in business. Running a test print now. I did discover that S3D using the KnP profile directly outputs x3g files saving the need for manual conversion. The other thing I discovered and don't have a solution to yet is that the machine ignored the heated bed request and setpoint for the PLA test print I am running. The default had been no heat and I changed it to 40C but the machine ignored the setting?? Seems to be sticking fine regardless and printing fine.

2 other observations with the KnP:

1. It seems looser and noisier than my Qidi. I think I'll put some silglyde on the sliders.

2. The 2 extruders are not even, the right one is noticeably closer to the build table. This might be a real problem preventing me from using the left extruder, unless there is a way to adjust the nozzle height. If that can't be fixed I will have to return it... or maybe get a new dual extruder head from KnP. I looks like one nozzle might just be threaded in a bit more than the other. So maybe half a turn with a wrench is all it needs?
Good to hear it was just the fuse. Mine shipped today. Should arrive Thursday.