I'm glad you are responsible and use a recycling bin.

For some people it is the fun of the challenge instead of a headache. I've saved a lot of plastic and I'd like to extrude my own. First of all, I think it's super responsible (as opposed to "regular" responsible) and secondly, it will be fun to tinker with the apparatus. To be honest, I for one can't tell you that I'm 100% confident that what I put in the recycle bin get's properly reprocessed or recycled. I suspect that while the "Curb Pickup" task gets a lot of public kudos, the actual recycling may be very deficient. No one sees that facility/process so they assume it's all properly sorted and none is buried. I live in a large metro area and I'm dubious.

There are various recipes/opinions for how much virgin plastic material needs to be added to scrap to keep it's properties up to par. I do think that someone will create an extruder/grinder combo that will be desktop and can be plugged in like a large coffee maker (they'll become millionaires). You just fill the top bin and come back to a wound spool. That's inevitable if "every household in the country" is poised to have a 3d printer like the prognosticators like to say.