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  1. #1

    T08A2 tank from Ghost In The Shell

    T08A2 is a 3D printed mechanised hexapod. It is a scale model of a spider tank from Ghost In The Shell movie.

    It took roughly ~250 hours of printing time... and probably even more time for polishing using acetone, sand paper, files and putty. It is actuated by 28 servos and driven by 2 Raspberry Pi micro controllers with custom software for locomotion and animation. It has two lasers (seriously, how can you have a robot with lazors?!!! It can be controlled by PS3 joystick, but it has some autonomy as well - it can track and follow faces.

    If anyone is interested there is a full story about making of the robot here:

    You can find more photos, videos and info at

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    beautiful project,this robot is impressive

  3. #3
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    Jul 2014
    there's a man with a Lot of spare time.
    Amazing bit of kit - love the spinning laser canons.

  4. #4
    Technologist 3dex ltd's Avatar
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    That looks amazing! I was expecting to be able to see some of the give away signs that this is 3D printed but I cannot find any.

    I particularly love the weathering you have applied to it.

    Regards, - Black Friday Sales Now On

  5. #5
    My inner-otaku approves! Looks smooth af and your weathering skills in your post-print suggests some time with a brush in your existence. I may not understand a lot of the robotics, but this must have been a pain in the @$$. Good work!

  6. #6
    Wow! this is just incredible work. Awesome job dude, congrats!

  7. #7
    love this robot design

  8. #8
    One of the coolest things I have seen printed. I wish I had the skills to finish a product that way

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