That is a great idea, though I have already explored 2 dimensional linkages a few years ago, with Straight line generators, rockers and complex motion paths such as walking robots such as; Jansen leg, Klann leg, Ghassaei Linkage and Tchebyshevs plantigrade machine. ( )
Was hoping to use these for now until I come across more complex linkages. I will provide a great deal, though it will be up to you to use them appropriately and won't delve too deep. They are necessary for other mechanism exploration, such as the rotary, to linkage to rotary Geneva gear in the example above.

Rather than spend more time on 2D linkages, I would like to provide the several basic types of 3D linkage mechanisms, so that you can explore a plethora of combinations at your will. There are many applications for 3D mechanisms that have not been discovered yet due to the immense number of possible combinations and like most discoveries, possible applications can remain unknown for some time.

You can download the files already for free. there is a reasonable explanation of how to use it in the link desciption;