Found it. Here is a section of my starting script in my Qidi profile in S3D. I'll assume the "fast wipe" or the "wait for ooze" is what is causing my priming issue. I received the full script from someone and I honestly don't know what is "safe" to remove from it. Any tips?

G1 X90 Y-68 E24 F2000 ; Extrude a line of filament across the front edge of the bed
G1 X100 Y-68 F180 ; Wait for ooze
G1 X110 Y-68 F5000 ; Fast wipe
G1 Z1 F100 ; Lift
G92 A0 B0 ; Zero extruders
M73 P1 ;@body (notify GPX body has started)

Line 2-5 I'd like to remove completely but I don't really understand anything but the wait command