The original message in the CEL forum, it has been (re)moved now.

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Clayton wrote:

I sent my printer and dual mat head kit that has never worked correctly from the start to Ben Hudson in the USA for repair April 21 2017, it arrived to Ben April 29 (over 2 months ago)
I am not getting any response from CEL other than one email from Chris White to say it arrived and Ben will get to it when he can...
I have received no information from Ben with regards to what's taking so long except Ben doesn't want to work on it (I have written confirmation of this from Chris White)

Tracking number for those who question my post Canada Post. CX591452386CA

I have contacted Cel, no return emails..
I have contacted Canada Post, they have suggested try contacting CEL one more time before I submit a request for Mail Fraud (For those who don't know, any package sent mail that has been deemed stolen by the receiver falls under mail fraud)

I am giving notice today July 11 2017 that if I don't receive information my printer has been repaired under warranty and also receive tracking information within 7 days of this post I will not only be contacting Canada post to launch an official investigation, I will be contacting Tempe AZ police and requesting them to look into the theft of my printer..

I am not sorry I posted this in the forum, I have been given no other choice..



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