Quote Originally Posted by Trakyan View Post
I'm not sure most NEMA 17 motors are rated for 24V. Also, this thread is about designing an extruder, not buying a ready made solution. I'm not really planning to design and build an affordable printer just to buy an extruder to double the price.
Also, I get that a larger nozzle lets you pump more filament through (since less force is needed for the same volumetric flow), but to be clear, I'm asking for any given nozzle, with a heating cartridge that can supply sufficient heat, where the only thing changed is if the extruder is geared or not, would the geared or non geared extruder be able to push filament faster?
Ok first off the forward current I measure to the stepper motors is usually under 1v. BUT ANYWAYS, If it help you understand MOST control boards support 12 or 24v input. And most printers run nema17 stepper motors. In truth even the heater cartridges and heat beds that are optimized for 12 or 24v can be run in either scenario as they are controlled by a pwm circuit that lets you tune it in the form of ki, kp, and kd settings in marlin firmware. The reason you want the volcano hotend is because it stands the heater cartridge up on its side and gives more heated surface area to the incoming filament. See at high speeds the incoming filament wants to cool the nozzle faster than the heater cartridge can heat it and if you look at the volcano hotend it is easy to see this is what it is trying to correct for. And if you are buying many components to make up an extruder than technically you are still building it, right?