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  1. #1

    Corrupted STL File

    I'm trying to print something, but when I open it in slic3r large chunks of the mesh are missing. I exported the file directly from tinkercad. I've tried repairing it using MakePrintable but it doesn't seem to have helped. If someone can help me figure out what's going on that would be great.

  2. #2
    Engineer Marm's Avatar
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    Some of the more intelligent gurus can offer more help, but when ever I have a funky stl, I run it through netfabb and it usually does the trick.

    I know with Sketchup if I'm getting wonkiness in my slicer, I usually will find some errant geometry left over from the design process. Go back through your design and look for geometry that's not kosher, ie, phantom planes, lines, etc.

  3. #3
    I followed your suggestion and checked the design for anything weird. Short story: I think I found the problem. Long story: I'm pretty sure the guy who originally designed this print was a student of the M. C. Escher School of 3D Modelling and I'm going to have to rebuild the file from scratch. Oh well, thanks for the help.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by DidsburyMakerspace View Post
    I followed your suggestion and checked the design for anything weird. Short story: I think I found the problem. Long story: I'm pretty sure the guy who originally designed this print was a student of the M. C. Escher School of 3D Modelling and I'm going to have to rebuild the file from scratch. Oh well, thanks for the help.
    You've peaked my curiosity. Mind if I see the file?

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by sindrele View Post
    You've peaked my curiosity. Mind if I see the file?
    Sorry, I haven't checked the boards in a while. Here's the link to the file. I had to make some supports in tinkercad because the program I usually add them with was acting up, so that's the orange stuff off to the side. Just select the object in the middle of the workplane and hit ungroup a bunch to see the interesting stuff.

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