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  1. #11
    So swapping the pinout to

    #define SERVO0_PIN 5

    I have found that power is on on the PWM header. Now after testing my wiring extension it only has 2/3 working... going to remake that sometime today.

  2. #12
    ok well I got the cable situation fixed but now...

    Forcing an UBL didn't extend the probe - I did it manually and it worked until it went off the bed in the X direction by maybe 1cm too far.

    Back to the configuration.h to figure out whats going on lol.

  3. #13
    Super Moderator Roxy's Avatar
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    Lone Star State
    It doesn't matter what bed leveling system you are trying to bring up... Make sure you can print a small calibration cube at the center of your bed with no bed leveling active. Make sure you can do that first.... Then fight the bed leveling problems....

  4. #14
    Attempted a print - worked perfectly. printed a pair of parts to switch from threaded rods to lead screws. The part that you screw the brass nut into.

    With those printed - I found an interesting thing happening.

    When I click Auto Home, it does the X and Y no problem. For the Z it acts like it's going to extend the servo arm and doesn't but starts down looking for that z-stop anyways. I manually extend the arm and it finds the level just fine. From there IT pulls the servo arm back in - not far enough yet but it does the work. Very odd?!?!?! Why won't it go both directions?

    Also now it's time for me to re-upload a firmware with the new z steps. I gotta go find those numbers again tonight as well.

    Any thoughts on getting my servo to work properly?

  5. #15
    Super Moderator Roxy's Avatar
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    Lone Star State
    You can use the M280 command to verify what your angles should be. Probably those are wrong in you Configuration.h file

    Do a M280 P0 S90 to set the servo to 90 degrees. Try the two angles in your configuration.h file and see if they fully retract and fully deploy the probe leg.

  6. #16
    In the configuration.h file - I have set

    #define DEFAULT_AXIS_STEPS_PER_UNIT { 80, 80, 400, 615.0, 615.0 }

    That is for the itty bitty flex dual extruder(s) rate of 615.0 and the Lead Screw setup.

    Going to upload now and start testing the servo

  7. #17
    #define Z_SERVO_ANGLES {104,30} // Z Servo Deploy and Stow angles

    Found this to get my servo settings I believe ... correct~ish.

    I'll play some more but I do believe that my setting of

    #define Z_SERVO_ANGLES {143,40} // Z Servo Deploy and Stow angles

    Was too far so it wasn't deploying the servo because of that. Not sure - total guess but flashing right now to see if this works.

  8. #18
    Super Moderator Roxy's Avatar
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    Lone Star State
    It is typical to have to adjust your servo angles slightly from what ever the manufacturer has set. The reason is the probe leg servo horn has teeth on it... It can only go in certain positions.

    Adjust it so the servo is trying to go 2 or 3 degrees more than it can in each direction. But don't over do it.

  9. #19
    Yeah I have toned the servo angels down a lot.

    Now I have a new problem... the Z axis second motor is just stuttering, not going up and down...

  10. #20
    Ok well it seems switching to the lead screws vs threaded rods has caused an issue. The printed parts I made look like they may be too far away from the X-carriage. This makes it bend the rods away when it's getting close to Z=0. Then it just gets stuck. Dang it!

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