I think it is a good time to give credit where it is do. First and foremost I need to thank fredk for post #7 of this thread. Absolute genius. Best advice ever given to a 3d printer owner. Seriously. facebook group or even other community of owners of your printer. Once I found this group, I then found the thingiverse collection of stuff people designed to modify the black widow printer. I want to list and detail each modification I used and who really designed it. and what its purpose or function was.

The first and arguable the most involved of the modifications was the Black Widow Z-Axis G2T Belt Relocation by Anthony Harmon. I actually got to chat with this person in the facebook group I was suggested to join and he was very helpful and that modification added a lot of usable height to the z axis. The link to that modification is here: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2168986

There was a Drag Chain X Alternate Mount that lays the drag chain on its side and gives some more extra height to the build envelope. This mod was created by bdwalker1 and is a great design I feel because it worked well even with the oversized drag chains I used. That mod can be found here: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1777681

Then to get the x axis to reach the edges of the heat bed there was this 15 degree extruder mount that was also made by bdwalker1. Like the name implies this mod hinges the extruder out 15 degrees and also raises the extruder so it adds to both x and z axes. Here is the link to that: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1789293

The layer fan I went with uses 2 40mm fans and blows air from 2 sides. It was designed by Elzariant and it can be found here: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1726112

The bltouch mount that I designed and printed was a near duplicate of a design by adriansm. Had it not have been for the 15 degree extruder mount I would have used this exact design: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1950504

I used this to install the 3.2" touchscreen: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2096501 . It is a well thought out design by bgsteveg.

And then there is the control box upgrade by dot_bob. This was necessary to fit the meanwell power supply. And after printing it out and assembling it, It was very much worth the time it tool to print. Here is the link to this mod: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2002667

I have very much enjoyed exploring other peoples designs as a way to upgrade my printer. I have learned that there are a lot of very smart and skilled people out there. I strongly recommend others to try to duplicate what I have done here. The end result was incredible. I got to chat online some of the skilled individuals that came up with these modifications. And it has just been an all around good experience.