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  1. #1

    PEI bed has little to no adhesion

    It looks like I am one of the few who is having very bad luck with my newPEI sheet. I cannot get PLA or ABS to stick very well. I have tried the following:
    Cleaned with IPA
    Cleaned with Acetone
    Cleaned with Acetone then IPA
    Tried hair spray
    Tried PVA glue stick
    Tried Elmer spray adhesive
    lowered and raised Z offset (inductive sensor auto level)
    Increased bed temp 50-80 PLA and 70-100 ABS
    Increased and decreased extrusion temperatures
    I have abraded the surface with 280 grit sand paper

    I have to note that i used Kerosene to remove the Elmer spray adhesive. IPA and Acetone would not touch the stuff.
    I will admit I have been able to finish some prints with PLA but the corners are pealing up. I just can't believe blue painters tape is so much easier to use that this.
    Its a bummer, but I actually put blue painters tape on top and the only adhesion issue was the tap to the bed. Filaments stuck great to tape.

  2. #2
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    Jul 2014
    yeah I tried pei tape for a short while - wasn't impressed.

    I can recommend printbite. After 18 months of trying everything else I've been using printbite for over a year now, with no problems.

    What printer do you have ? And what are the conditions of the room it's in ? temp and humidity primarily.
    Enviromental conditions can have a disproportionate effect.

    My biggest issue with blue tape is that it can pull off (although if you apply it to a hot bed, it's better) and you often get blue marks on the base of the prints.

    Printbite isn't miraculous, but it's better by a long way than anything else I've tested in the last 3 years.

  3. #3
    Technologist LuckyImperial's Avatar
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    I've been using GekoTek with pretty consistent results. Some prints still need a brim, but its a lot better than when I tried PEI.

  4. #4
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    Jul 2014
    never got round to the gekkotek - is it smooth or one of the textured surfaces ?

  5. #5
    Technologist LuckyImperial's Avatar
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    Campbell, CA
    Quote Originally Posted by curious aardvark View Post
    never got round to the gekkotek - is it smooth or one of the textured surfaces ?
    It's very slightly textured, but I think smooth is a better overall description. I can vouch for both the RT and HT plates, but the RT plate does seem to work a little better than the HT, at least for PLA. Honestly I think the biggest advantage it has is that you can just flex the metal plate and the print pops right off.

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