hell as long as that's not all he's doing, why not. At the end of the day, this post is about where to buy filament.
And on that note :-)

I've currently got a new supplier: www.3dexfilament.com
Uk based, decent prices and up to 6-7 rolls on the one postage charge.
The stuff that arrived today is Y&S filament - which I've been looking for, for a couple years, ever since they were giving out mini-spools at tct 2015, I think. Unusually for samples, I've actually used it all up, which says a lot.
Great stuff, but this is the first time I've actually been able to find someone selling it over here :-)

3dexfilament.com also does metallic filaments that use metal as a colourant - it really does look like metal. you get a real shine and glint in sunlight.


In the sun, might be a bit bright for the camera on my tablet - but it really catches the light :-)

The copper in particular does look exactly like a roll of thick copper wire !
The other one is aluminium. Or Alu-mi-num if you happen to be american ;-)