Your link doesn't work. So it is hard to find out more about the printer in your picture. But I can tell you this much: It is a Prusa i3 Open Source derivative. And that means there is a 85% chance it is running the Marlin (Open Source) firmware.

Let's press rewind and look at some previous news Brian posted. Check out this post where AutoDesk is bragging about their new 3D-Printer operating system.

If you look at it from a user's perspective, the whole claim to fame is they were going to make Spark not allow the user to print as many objects as they wanted. Everything the printer did was going to be controlled by the licensing mechanism. And of course, AutoDesk thought every printer maker would be dying to have the AutoDesk 3D-Printer OS controlling their printers. Here is one of the press quotes:
In doing so they will enable the streamlining of the entire 3D printing process from design to fabrication for users of the new operating system, and push forward their initiative to nurture the Spark platform into a goliath within the 3D printing space. More details on this breaking news may be found here:
Guess what? It has been 2 years and Spark is NOT a Goliath within the 3D-Printing space. In fact... AutoDesk has it on a very limited life support budget and has canceled sales of their printer that was using it. And lets talk about Statasys for a second. They charge way too much for their filament. How do they get away with it? Well... They will charge anybody that uses a generic filament with a FELONY charge if they find out about it. They don't want to compete on merit. They want to press the jack boot of government down on their user's neck to get every nickle.

Guess what? A lot of people don't want to deal with these kind of companies.

Let's talk numbers... I have no idea what the real numbers are, but I would guess 80% of the printers in existence are RepRap printers. Maybe the number is higher. I would also say it is safe to say 85% of the RepRap printers are running Marlin.

If you want to argue about numbers... The fight is over. The game is over. OPEN SOURCE HAS WON!

PS. And if the proprietary companies come up with something really good... Guess what? We will reverse engineer it ASAP and our users will get an improved version of the original idea very quickly.