Quote Originally Posted by awerby View Post
That doesn't look like a very effective design to me. For one thing, all the working parts are exposed, so it wouldn't take much splashed concrete to disable it totally. For a machine like this, full bellows protection would be essential. Another fatal flaw is that there's no continuously available source of concrete. The guy seems to be mixing it a gallon or so at a time in a bowl, and pouring it into the hopper, which requires gravity to dispense it. This would get old really fast.
The only good reason to want a concrete printer would be to make really large structures, the size of houses. But this thing is not nearly big enough for that - at most it could print a (really ugly) window frame. It's hard to tell much about it from the ad - the "specifiations" are ludicrously inaccurate. With the stated nozzle diameter of .4mm, it would choke on a large grain of sand. But if it really only uses 60 watts of power, it must be extraordinarily energy-efficient (not). Most of what they have to say about it seems to have been copied and pasted from the description of a totally different sort of printer. It's hard to believe they really expect someone to send them $40,000 USD for this, but I suppose hope springs eternal in China.
For a more practical design, look elsewhere - like here for instance: http://www.engineering.com/3DPrintin...g-Machine.aspx
ive sent the an email the good thing that they reply fast https://youtu.be/3VuS8ppiEwc they have sent me this video and they say the could build on custom size as i order the only thing the extruder look too small for printing a building the only thing i couldnt figure it out is it continuous flow of cement or it stops in some place and if im building one how i can control the concrete pump to stop pumping on the specified areas if theres any one with experience in controlling the concorete pump through the controller that would be very helpful.

and for the BetAbram ive sent them an email like a week ago still no reply from them if you know how to contact them or if i can get a quote for the 3D printer and how to order it

Thanks alot for the reply