Quote Originally Posted by ixlr8 View Post
What does this parameter actually change? Is feedrate and tool speed affected by this variable?
I really have no idea to be perfectly honest. Like yourself, no manuals anywhere or troubleshooting guides so just trial and error when I came into problems.

I bought a reel of Crystal Clear ABS (I think called "High Impact Crystal Clear") Essentially tho, it looks like all the other clear ABS. .. nothing special. However, when I went to use it it would click click click click, and the thing would not feed... tried all the temperature setting sunder the sun, and nothing helped, nothing.

So started playing around with other settings, and eventually after changing the filament diamenter from 1.75 to 1.8 in replicatorG, all my problems went away with that filament. It now feeds perfectly. Having pulled these apart now into complete bits, there is no way that it affects the actual diameter - so all I can think if is it does something to the feeder gear - but that's what controls the resoution, so Im still a bit hazy on it. You have a 0.4mm nozzle on the machine, so printing at 0.2mm seems to just slow the feed as well, how it makes it thinner I really don't know to be honest. All I know is the second I changed it to 1.8mm diameter in the settings, the thing printed like a dream.