Quote Originally Posted by Marm View Post
That looks like a good print to me. Are you wanting a perfectly flat finished surface when done? I've never been able to achieve that. If that's ABS, you can do an Acetone vapor bath and that will help smooth over the edges.

There might be a setting to change the bead width, make it smaller some and that might help the problem. If you're telling the slicer you have a .4 nozzle, tell it you have a .38 or so, and see what that does.
I threw away the print so I can't take another picture of the bottom. The bottom is mostly solid, with some areas where the lines don't connect. I can't remember the thickness of the feeler gauge I use, but it's the same thickness as notebook paper.
I think I will fudge the nozzle diameter to .38 or .35 and see what happens.