I haven't heard of any wood warping issues with the Makerfarm. I use two aluminum clip lamps with 200w bulbs on either side of mine and then tent foamcor around everything to create a really warm envelope around the print. I've had no problems with the electronics or wood. I plan to build an enclosure but have had such good luck with the clip lights that I haven't had the motivation to do it differently.

Most modern electronics can operate in hotter ambient temps than you'd expect. I'd guess that it would take more than 110C to cause major malfunctions. There is the possibility that extreme heating of the components can shorten the life of the electronics. Thermal expansion and contraction is the enemy of electronics. There are number of people who say that if you never turn your computer off, it will run about 3 times longer than if you turn it off daily. There is some merit in that and it's due to thermal expansion. So, if you heat the RAMPS up a lot and then it cools, it's hard on it. But how hard it relative. If it cuts its lifespan from 5-years to 4-years it may be a moot point. I bet none of us have the same printer we have now in 3 years. The technology is changing too fast. I suspect that when I finally build an enclosure, that I'll move the electronics outside of it just for the heck of it, but someone out there may know for sure if that's unnecessary.