4000 is the correct number for the M5 rods. It hasn't changed in forever and ever on the M5 screws. The Acme rods do use a lower number so you might have loaded the "deluxe kit" firmware. Rather than trying to change individual settings, I'd figure out the basic load error. Colin's firmware is a good starting point and there are lots of custom settings. Much better to get the right firmware version in there. If the firmware is correct, try swapping stepper modules on the Ramps.

First layer is very much related to how accurately the printer is set up. 80% of the stuff you do in carefully setting up the printer is targeted at getting a good first layer. The "right" hairspray is Garnier Fructis Super Hold 5 from Walmart. If that's not available where you live, there are custom made "3d print" sprays that will do the same thing. PLA normally isn't very hard to get to stick.

So what to do:

1) Get the right firmware from the Makerfarm site and load it.
2) Reformat your SD card (it can't be a real big one) so it will read properly
3) Get the right hairspray
4) Check all of the dimensions for flat / square by measuring diagonals. They should be within a mm or so of each other.
5) Spend some quality time doing a good bed level

Once that is all done, you do test prints to work out just how thick the shim you used really was. You offset the head from the bed level zero by playing with the Z offset in your slicer. For a 0.2 mm layer, you will be doing it in 0.05 mm steps or less to get a proper first layer. Re-check the bed level every couple prints to make sure things are staying tight and nothing is drifting. It is pretty normal to find loose screws for the first week or so of printing.

Lots of fun !!
