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  1. #1

    Problem with certain print. Support coming loose.

    I have attempt to print this 5 times with automatically generated supports. About 2 hours to 2 hours and 30 minutes into the print a support will come loose. I have tried adjusting different settings, but at a loss now. Others have been able to print this without issue according to comments.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2016
    Not sure how you are orientating the part, but it looks pretty easy to print. once sliced in S3D
    Spool Holder.jpg

  3. #3
    Finally got it to print. Used a different slicing software. I used Flashprint and it worked great.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Simplify 3d supports don't stick directly to the build plate very well. To work around this problem I usually put a one layer thin object under all supports that touch the plate.

    This is one of the most talked about problems on the S3d website, so hopefully they'll fix it one day.

  5. #5
    Right, I even tried using a raft underneath to help them stay, but it messed up in the same place every time. Like I said I got it to finally print though.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by JustinDS89 View Post
    Right, I even tried using a raft underneath to help them stay, but it messed up in the same place every time. Like I said I got it to finally print though.
    Using slurry helps, it acts like a raft or brim if you use it right. Also you don't have to use the default support settings. Running the supports at 2 angles helps with stability, 45 and -45 is pretty good, or 0 and 90. Usually you can go down to 10-15% fill on supports at 2 angles then run 3-4 layers of dense supports at 60-70% fill.

  7. #7
    Super Moderator
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    Jun 2016
    As JF has said, I adopted this strategy on supports that seemed "risky" going to two angles and it helped a lot. You can look at the print and see what would be the best angle compared to what is going to print on top of the support. In other words, if you have a big area that will print on top of a support then you can adjust the angle of the support so the "bridge" or what is printing on top doesn't print parallel to the supports.

  8. #8
    Appreciate the responses and help. I haven't had any other issues on other things I have printed that required supports.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Northern Ohio
    Quote Originally Posted by djprinter View Post
    Simplify 3d supports don't stick directly to the build plate very well. To work around this problem I usually put a one layer thin object under all supports that touch the plate.

    This is one of the most talked about problems on the S3d website, so hopefully they'll fix it one day.
    If you have a part where all your supports bottom out on the bed there is a selection in the support section of S3D where you can set your bottom separation layers to 0 and they will bond much better.

  10. #10
    Thanks Todd, I will have to look in to that.

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