So, question for everyone. I've just finished a weeks-long printing of a deluxe Catan board. The reason this matters is because I'm printing fairly flat, relatively thin pieces. Not that thin, but thin enough. Basically, various hexes from this:

Anyway, long story short, as I finished each piece I found that I couldn't get my blue tape up off the bed without it tearing around the pieces and, therefore, still leaving the pieces attached to the bed (albeit, with a piece of tape under them doing me exactly no good whatsoever).

So, the two ways I found to get things loose were:

Heat the bed once a print was finished, and then use my putty knife to pop the piece loose. Of course that meant I was actually deforming my piece. At best, I'd take a notch out of it as I got the knife under, at worst, I'd end up basically curling the side of my piece.

Heat the bed once a print was finished, and then detatch the tape from the edge of the bed, and using that, pry up the piece using the tape itself as the putty knife (basically). Sometimes this would work fine, if the piece popped off. Sometimes it would work poorly, if the piece did more of a slow bull and got a bit cupped. And sometimes it went terribly, and I would have the tape rip around the piece and I'd have to go back to Plan B with the putty knife.

So, I'm not looking for ideas on how to get prints to stick, because from what I've seen enough work leveling will get you there eventually. My issue is getting the pieces off the bed without damaging them. Any suggestions?